Boys are Dumb, Girls are Mean

On Saturday, August 27th at 2PM, Former Jester Michael Yichao will be presenting his show, “Boys are Dumb, Girls are Mean: A Showcase of 3 Plays” at the Jester’Z Scottsdale Theater! Yichao is currently working toward his MFA in Acting at California Institute of the Arts, and is still spotted occasionally in a Jester’Z show whenever Jef is looking the other way. Yichao is delighted to be back home in AZ and back on the Jester’Z stage with this new show, which is an inter-state collaboration with artists of all ages, from 12 to 32. The show also serves to launch the submission of the plays to several festivals and theaters across the country and around the world over the course of the next year.

Saturday, 2PM August 27th at the Jester’Z Theater!
A 90 minute showcase of 3 plays, each at various stages of production.

Tickets are free, but a suggested donation of $7 is encouraged, with funds going to support submission fees and eventual travel, production and touring costs. The show is 90 minutes, kid friendly and family-oriented, and lots of fun. To reserve seats, simply email Yichao at [email protected]!